4 Awesome Facebook Tricks/Hacks

facebook tips

Sneakily Change Your Facebook Relationship Status

You can change your Facebook relationship status without alerting all 500 of your friends. Here is the simplest way. First, go to the “About” section from your profile page, and click on “Family & Relationships” link. Then, click on “Edit” on the upper right corner, and change your privacy settings to “Only Me.” Change your relationship status, and hit Save.

Highlight a Post

If you want to gain exposure for one of your posts, but do not want to spend money on it…Facebook allows you to highlight posts so they are front and center for your audience. Click the arrow on the upper right of the post, and scroll to “Highlight.” This post will now have a star in the upper right corner to let you know it is highlighted. If you chose the wrong post, just click “Remove from highlights.”

Turn Off Facebook’s Notification Sounds

Does Facebook notify you every time someone likes a post that you’ve made? You can easily turn off Facebook’s notification sounds. Click the upside down triangle in the upper right-hand corner of the Facebook page, then click on the “Settings” link. In the left column, select “Notifications.”
Where it says “On Facebook,” click on the “Edit/View” link and uncheck “Play a sound” options. Click the “Save Changes” button.

Post Animated (GIF) Images on Facebook

Want to cool post cool moving images on your own timeline or on your friend’s walls? Here is how you can go about this and be the coolest kid in school đŸ™‚ Go to http://giphy.com and select an animated GIF image of your liking. Then, click on the “Advanced” tab underneath the image. Copy the Giphy link and paste it into your wall.

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There you have it, 4 Facebook tips you may not know about. Don’t forget to also check out How to Tag your friends on Facebook and show only their First Name and How to “Unfollow” a friend/page on Facebook.

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