Change Directory in Mac Terminal: A Beginner’s Guide

change directory in mac terminal

Navigating directories in the Mac Terminal is a fundamental skill for macOS users, especially for those transitioning from graphical user interfaces or new to the command line environment. Understanding how to change directory in Mac terminal not only enhances productivity but also opens up a new realm of managing files and directories efficiently.

This article aims to simplify the process, providing clear instructions, troubleshooting tips, and answers to common questions, enabling users to confidently use Terminal commands for file management.

What is the MacOS Terminal Application?

The Terminal application in macOS is a powerful tool that allows users to interact with the system using command line interfaces (CLI). Unlike the graphical user interface (GUI), Terminal provides a text-based way to execute commands, manage files, and run scripts, offering more control and flexibility over the operating system.

Directory Structure in macOS

macOS uses a hierarchical file system structure, similar to other Unix-based systems. This structure is organized in directories and subdirectories, starting from the root directory (/) down to individual files. Understanding this hierarchy is crucial for navigating and managing files efficiently in Terminal.

Basic Commands for Directory Navigation

Opening Terminal

To start using Terminal, you can find it in the Applications > Utilities folder, or use Spotlight search (Cmd + Space) and type “Terminal”. Launching Terminal brings you to your home directory by default.

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Checking the Current Directory

To find out which directory you’re currently in, use the pwd (Print Working Directory) command:


This command displays the full path of the current directory, helping you orient yourself within the file system.

Listing Directory Contents

To view the files and folders within the current directory, use the ls (list) command:


For more detailed information, including hidden files and file permissions, you can use ls -la.

Changing Directories

The cd (Change Directory) command is used to navigate between directories. Its basic syntax is:

cd [directory]

To navigate effectively, consider these examples:

  • Navigating to the Home Directory: Simply type cd without any arguments to return to your home directory.
  • Going to the Root Directory: Use cd / to move to the root directory of your macOS.
  • Moving to the Parent Directory: To go up one level, use cd ...

These commands are the foundation for navigating the file system in Terminal, enabling users to move between directories, access files, and perform various file management tasks more efficiently.

pwdShow current directorypwd
lsList directory contentsls, ls -la
cdChange directorycd /path/to/dir, cd ..
cd -Return to the previous directorycd -

Advanced Navigation Tips

Using Pathnames

Understanding the difference between absolute and relative paths is crucial for efficient navigation. An absolute path starts from the root directory (/) and specifies the complete path to a file or directory. A relative path starts from the current directory, making it shorter but context-dependent. Use absolute paths for clarity and relative paths for convenience.

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Navigating to Recent Directories

The cd - command is a handy shortcut to switch back to the previous directory, making it easy to toggle between two locations without retyping paths.

Tab Completion

Tab completion is a time-saving feature that automatically completes file names, directories, and commands when you press the Tab key. Start typing the name, then press Tab to auto-complete, speeding up your navigation and reducing typos.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Incorrect Pathnames

One of the most common errors when changing directories is typing the pathname incorrectly. Ensure you’re using the correct case and syntax. Remember, macOS is case-sensitive, and even a minor typo can lead to an error. Double-check your pathnames or use tab completion to avoid mistakes.

Access Denied Errors

If you encounter an “Access Denied” error, it’s likely a permissions issue. Some directories require administrator privileges. Use sudo before your command to run it with elevated permissions, or check the directory’s permissions with ls -l and adjust them if necessary.


How do I show the current directory in Terminal?

Use the pwd command to display the current directory.

Which command should you use to change directory?

Use the cd command followed by the directory’s path to navigate.

How do I change the directory quickly?

Use cd to go to the home directory, cd / for the root directory, or cd - to return to the previous directory.

Can I navigate to a directory with spaces in its name?

Yes, enclose the directory name in quotes (cd "Directory Name") or use a backslash before the space (cd Directory\ Name).

How do I go back to my previous directory?

Use cd - to quickly switch back to the directory you were in before the current one.

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As Editor in Chief of, Sood draws on over 20 years in Software Engineering to offer helpful tutorials and tips for MySQL, PostgreSQL, PHP, and everyday OS issues. Backed by hands-on work and real code examples, Sood breaks down Windows, macOS, and Linux so both beginners and power-users can learn valuable insights. For questions or feedback, he can be reached at