Step-by-Step Tutorial: How to Write a Bash Script

how to write bash linux

Ever wonder how Linux pros automate so many of their tasks? The secret is Bash scripting. Bash (short for Bourne Again Shell) is the default shell in most Linux systems, and it’s an awesome tool for creating scripts to handle repetitive tasks. Whether it’s automating backups or simplifying system management, Bash scripting is the go-to skill for making your life easier on the Linux command line.

So, why learn it? It’s simple. Bash scripting can save you hours by automating tasks you’d otherwise do manually. Even if you’re just getting started with Linux, learning how to write Bash scripts can help you understand your system better and make you feel like a tech wizard.

The best part? Bash scripting is beginner-friendly. With a little guidance (like this tutorial), you’ll be writing your first script in no time. This guide will show you how to set up your environment, create a script, and dive into basic concepts like variables, loops, and functions. Let’s get started!

Setting Up Your Environment

Before you can dive into writing Bash scripts, you need to make sure everything’s ready to roll. Here’s what you need to do:

Check if Bash Is Installed
Bash comes pre-installed on most Linux systems. To check, open your terminal and type:
bash --version
If a version number shows up, you’re good. If it doesn’t, you can install it using your system’s package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you’d use:
sudo apt install bash

Choose a Text Editor
You’ll also need a text editor to write your scripts. If you’re a beginner, nano is a great option since it’s simple and usually already installed. If you want something more advanced, try vim or even Visual Studio Code, which comes with features like syntax highlighting and extensions for Bash.

With Bash installed and your editor ready, you’re all set to start scripting! Let’s move on to writing your very first Bash script.

Table 1: Common Bash Commands for Beginners

CommandPurposeExample Usage
echoPrints text to the terminalecho "Hello, World!"
chmodChanges file permissionschmod +x
bashRuns a Bash scriptbash
readAccepts user inputread name
tarArchives and compresses filestar -czf archive.tar.gz folder
trapExecutes commands on a signaltrap "rm temp.txt" EXIT

Writing Your First Bash Script

Now it’s time to write your very first Bash script! Don’t worry—it’s easier than you think. Let’s break it down step by step.

Step 1: Create a Script File
Open your text editor and create a new file called Inside the file, type this:

echo "Hello, World!"

Step 2: What’s the Shebang?
The first line, #!/bin/bash, is called the shebang. It tells your system to use Bash to interpret the script. Without this, your system won’t know how to run the file.

Step 3: Make It Executable
Once you’ve saved the file, you need to make it executable. Open the terminal in the folder where the file is saved and run:
chmod +x

Step 4: Run Your Script
To run the script, type:
You should see the message “Hello, World!” pop up in your terminal. Congrats—you just wrote and ran your first Bash script!

Starting with something simple like this helps you get comfortable with the basics. Next, we’ll dive into some essential components of Bash scripts.

Basic Bash Script Components

Now that you’ve run your first script, let’s look at the building blocks of Bash scripting: variables, comments, and input/output. These are the tools that make your scripts more useful.

Variables are placeholders for information. For example:

echo "Hello, $name!"

When you run this, the script will output: Hello, Alice! Variables make your scripts flexible and reusable.

Adding comments to your code is like leaving notes for yourself. Use # to write comments:

# This script greets the user
echo "Hello, User!"

Comments don’t affect how the script runs, but they’re super helpful for remembering what each part of the script does.

Input and Output
Use echo to print messages and read to take user input. For example:

echo "What's your name?"
read name
echo "Welcome, $name!"

When you run this script, it will ask for your name and then greet you. These simple components are the foundation of every Bash script.

Control Structures in Bash

Now things get a little more interesting. Control structures let your scripts make decisions and repeat actions. Here’s a quick overview of the most common ones.

If-Else Statements
These let your script make decisions based on conditions:

if [ $1 -eq 10 ]; then
    echo "You entered 10!"
    echo "You entered something else!"

The if checks if the first argument passed to the script is 10. If it is, the script prints a message. Otherwise, it prints a different one.

Loops let your script repeat actions. Here are two popular types:

  • For Loop for i in 1 2 3; do echo "Number $i" done
  • While Loop count=1 while [ $count -le 3 ]; do echo "Count $count" count=$((count + 1)) done

Case Statements
If you have multiple conditions, case statements are a cleaner option:

case $1 in
        echo "Starting..."
        echo "Stopping..."
        echo "Invalid option"

Control structures make scripts powerful by adding logic and flexibility.

Functions in Bash Scripts

Functions are a great way to organize and reuse your code. Instead of repeating the same commands, you can define a function once and call it whenever needed.

Defining and Using Functions
Here’s how you can create and use a function:

greet() {
  echo "Hello, $1!"
greet "Alice"

When you run this script, it will output: “Hello, Alice!” The $1 represents the first argument passed to the function.

Understanding Variable Scope
Variables inside functions are local by default. If you want a variable to be accessible globally, you can declare it as global using declare -g. For example:

greet() {
  declare -g name="Alice"
  echo "Hello, $name!"
echo "Name outside function: $name"

This script ensures that the variable name is available outside the function.

Functions make your scripts more modular, which means they’re easier to debug and maintain. Plus, they’re a huge time-saver when you’re working on larger scripts.

Table 2: Quick Comparison of Bash Control Structures

Control StructurePurposeExample
if statementRuns commands based on a conditionif [ $1 -gt 10 ]; then echo "Big"; fi
for loopIterates over a list of itemsfor i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done
while loopRepeats as long as a condition is truewhile [ $x -lt 5 ]; do echo $x; done
case statementMatches one condition out of manycase $1 in start) echo "Go";; esac

Debugging and Error Handling

Even experienced scriptwriters run into bugs, so knowing how to debug and handle errors is essential.

Debugging with set -x
The set -x command lets you see each command as it’s executed. This is super useful for finding where your script might be going wrong. To turn debugging on and off, use:

set -x
echo "Debugging this script"
set +x

Handling Errors with Exit Codes
Every command in Bash returns an exit status. A status of 0 means success, while anything else indicates an error. You can use these exit codes to handle errors gracefully:

cp file.txt /nonexistent/ || echo "Failed to copy the file!"

The || operator runs the second command only if the first one fails.

Using trap for Cleanup
If your script uses temporary files or other resources, you can use trap to clean up if the script exits unexpectedly:

trap "rm -f temp.txt; exit" SIGINT SIGTERM

With these tools, you’ll be able to troubleshoot issues and make sure your scripts run smoothly, even when something goes wrong.

Writing a Bash Script – Practical Examples

The best way to learn Bash scripting is by practicing. Here are two simple projects to get you started:

Automating Backups
Create a script to back up a directory:

timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)

tar -czf "$backup_dir/$backup_file" "$source_dir"
echo "Backup completed: $backup_dir/$backup_file"

This script compresses the files in the source directory into a timestamped archive in the backup directory.

Monitoring System Resources
Write a script to check CPU and memory usage:

echo "CPU Usage:"
top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)"
echo "Memory Usage:"
free -h

Run this script whenever you want a quick overview of your system’s performance.

These examples show how Bash scripting can simplify everyday tasks and improve your productivity.

Best Practices

Writing great scripts isn’t just about making them work—it’s also about making them easy to read, maintain, and share. Here are some tips:

  1. Write Readable Code: Use meaningful variable names and add comments to explain what your script does.
  2. Keep Scripts Portable: Avoid system-specific commands whenever possible so your scripts can run on different Linux distributions.
  3. Handle Errors Gracefully: Always check for potential errors and use clear messages to help users understand what went wrong.
  4. Use Version Control: Save your scripts in a Git repository so you can track changes and revert if needed.

By following these best practices, you’ll create scripts that not only work well but are also easy for others to understand and use.

Final Thoughts

Bash scripting is a powerful skill that can save you time, automate repetitive tasks, and help you unlock the full potential of your Linux system. From writing your first “Hello World” script to handling advanced functions and debugging, this guide has covered the essentials to get you started.

If you want to dive deeper, check out the GNU Bash Reference Manual or explore community forums like Stack Overflow for real-world tips and examples. With practice, you’ll soon be creating scripts that make your life easier and more efficient.

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As Editor in Chief of, Sood draws on over 20 years in Software Engineering to offer helpful tutorials and tips for MySQL, PostgreSQL, PHP, and everyday OS issues. Backed by hands-on work and real code examples, Sood breaks down Windows, macOS, and Linux so both beginners and power-users can learn valuable insights. For questions or feedback, he can be reached at